600字范文 > 《双语印章史》玺印文字的独立性与稳定性


时间:2024-03-28 18:12:30





Independence and Stability of Seal Characters


Another obvious characteristic of seals is that the characters were always the major means of signification, the script remaining relatively independent of forms, evolving only slowly and thereby retaining the continuous recognition of society.


The textual content of seals comprises two elements, namely: character form (字体) and script style (书体). Over the pre-Qin and Han dynasty period, the characters on seals gradually evolved into a special stylistic form, becoming a script subject to the provisions of governmental systems. For instance, in the early Han Dynasty, in the examination used by the Office of the Grand Historian to test students among the “six scripts”(六体书)was one known as mo seal script (摹印章). Government regulations resulted in a long-lasting historical custom, so that zhuan seal script (篆体) remained the basic script for Chinese seal characters for over two millennia. During this period, the Chinese characters also saw the evolution of different calligraphic styles; from zhuan to li (隶,clerical script)to cao(草,cursive script)and then to kai(楷,standardscript ), the process gradually petering out only after the Jin Dynasty. Yet the scripts inscribed on seals did not change in line with changes in calligraphic styles in society as a whole. This, of course, had to do with the long perpetuation of a unitary feudal state system and cultural tradition. Besides, since seals carried a wealth of political, economic and cultural implications in Chinese society, they needed a stable form so that society would better recognize them as an important means of authentication.



In the history of Chinese seals, the evolution of zhuan script on seals started with natural development of seal characters. Influenced by the evolution of Chinese writing toward the li script, the appearance on seals of xiao zhuan(小篆) script and mou zhuan (缪篆)script gradually developed into cursive styles.


The second cause of this evolution was the change in the seal system. A new system was established in the Sui and Tang dynasties. New seal scripts were also developed. After the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) the “nine-fold zhuan style”(九叠篆) was created, followed by more and more styles. By the Ming and Qing dynasties, a variety of zhuan styles had been established. These styles also indicated the rankings of official seal.



Another reason was stylistic variations developed for esthetic reasons. Early in the pre-Qin period, a trend towards emphasizing the artistic nature of Chinese characters emerged in the area of calligraphy; this trend advanced persistently into the areas of calligraphy and seal engraving. The “bird-and-insect” zhuan style popular in the Han Dynasty and the “suspended- needle” zhuan style popular in the Wei and Jin dynasty by creating new style variations on the basis of xiao zhuan, enhanced the decorative function of the characters. Many variations of zhuan style developed in later periods were driven by the same intention. This was another form of calligraphic artistry in seal text inscription but was not the mainstream phenomenon.


Moreover, when non-Han regimes such as the Liao (907-1125), Western Xia (1038-1227), Jin and Yuan dynasties were established, words from their written languages were used on seals in styles resembling the zhuan style of Chinese characters. These languages became new members of the seal calligraphy family.



Essentially, evolution and change in the character forms and script styles are both related to particular historical periods. They are also chronological demarcation criteria in the history of ancient Chinese seals. After the Sui and Tang dynasties, the styles of characters on official and private seals evolved along divergent paths: with official seals, the form became increasingly strict under the prescriptions of various systems; on the other hand, the seals used by ordinary people developed free, novel and diverse calligraphic styles. This was in marked contrast to development trends in the Qin and Han dynasties.


Sun Weizu: The History and Art of Chinese Seals, Foreign Languages Press,

